Labels:text | electronics | screenshot | number | font OCR: i Waler offecit lad # 99 breast cancer DaMy Documents\TAITA textswwater.txt 90 cancer 8:33 chers It is also well known that severe dehydration acutely affects healthr. 1 97 99 delyd alon 32 87 chucric soldi dehydration This review addresses the current knowledge of the. 6 53 100 FY550 effects of chronic mild dehadrates on boman ER 53 100 water performance and healthy and calls for a revival of B 37 99 heath patientclient education regarding water Intake as well os future research directions. 4 57.99 delykkebom 57 99 drinking Ship and Fischer [56] investigated the relationship between mild dehydration fmcan weight loss of 2.31% to reactions. There is no life (as we know it] without water. It is also well known that severe dehydration acutely affects health. Does chronic mild dehydration take lis toll as well? This review addresses the current knowledge of the effects of chronic milds dehydration on human performance and health,and calls for a revival of patientclient education regarding water intake as well as future research directions? PHYSIOLOGICAL ASPECTS Figure 1: TextAnalyst workplace consists of three hyperlinked windows holding initial text (lower), distilled semantic network (upper left), and results of navigation (upper right).